Elderly Asians Are Being Targeted And Scammed In San Francisco.

Elderly Asians Are Being Targeted And Scammed In San Francisco.


Elderly Chinese women are being targeted by scammers in San Francisco. This is a well known international "bagging scam". A woman comes up to the grandma and asks for directions, then a second woman comes up and convinces the first of a curse that's placed on her and her family. After this the gullable granny is told the same and is asked to bring all her money and valuables to a designated spot for a cleansing ritual. The bag is then given back, but without the posessions. The police is taking action to prevent this by givin out shopping bags to the elderly in Asian community of S.F. which say "beware of scammers". This technique has proven 80% affective in Hong Kong, and will hopefully deter the scammers and make the targets more aware.

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