Astounding Wrecked Ship Underwater Art Gallery.

Astounding Wrecked Ship Underwater Art Gallery.


A sunken military ship, USNS General Hoyt S.Vandenberg located off the coast of Florida, functions as the first underwater gallery for ghostly photographs of Viennese artist Andreas Franke. "It's like bringing the Vandenberg back to life," Franke said. He took some pictures of the ship with special underwater cameras, then photoraphed models in 1940s and 1950s costumes in his studio, after which he superimposed the model images over the top of the Vandenberg ship, creating an eerie underwater world frozen in time. "It's a huge empty ship with fish swimming around at 27 meters below the surface, the sunlight is this beautiful blue green color. I shot the models in the studio with the same lens, so the images matched." Truly a spectacular approach to art!

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